That’s a bold statement. But I stand behind it. There is very little room for me to believe that I could ever continue working in this industry if it wasn’t for the drastic changes...
Why did I choose Massage Therapy as a career? I wish my answer involved some deep calling to the profession. Some grand reason that I felt deep in my core for starting this journey....
Hello, I am a massage therapist. I have been one for over 13 years and if there's one thing that hasn't changed in all those years if the fact that I am a person...
I have worked with hundreds, if not thousands of bodies in my career. Everyone is so different in how they approach their own health. I have numerous clients who simply could not be bothered...
What is active release techniques (ART®)?
How can active release techniques aid in therapy and rehabilitation?
Why should I try it?
Having been in the industry for over a decade has taught me that growing and learning...