I met myself in a field one morning. Just after I did my yoga I met myself during my final resting pose of Savasana.
I was roughly 15 years old. A boy. A Native...
What does your food have to do with your spirituality? Literally everything.
The last 3 years have opened parts of my being that have laid dormant my entire life. Perhaps it was by choice...
When I think of the word yoga I automatically think of white woman and vegan man with man buns doing poses and showing off their asses in Lululemon pants on a beach in Costa...
May 2018 was the year I decided to change my life. Little did I know where that initial baby step would take me. I have been living a carnivore lifestyle for 4 years. Four...
Living here at this time in my body has been what I call a fucking roller coaster. There’s no other word that I can use to describe what is happening inside and outside of...