{Lifting things up and putting them down}
I have worked with hundreds, if not thousands of bodies in my career. Everyone is so different in how they approach their own health. I have numerous clients who simply could not be bothered to care about their overall well-being. They simply come in and want me to fix them. They don’t bother to do anything for themselves, they just want to be fixed as if a massage is some kind of a magic pill. These are the kinds of clients I have tried to wean away from, hence my need to always change clinics and find a place that has the same interests as me, truly helping people give a shit about themselves again.
I have personally gone through a major transformation over the last year in my own life. I have found that my life is truly a product of my own hands and all my choices have an effect on it. I take great pride in being in a good and stable place. It has taken me over 30 years to get here, but I got here. When you work with people everyday, you form certain relationships. Some are stronger then others and some change your own life for the better. A few months ago, a client of mine approached me and mentioned that he was going to be partaking in a body building competition. I have been working on him for the last year or so and only managed to get him in for massage treatments. Some people are stubborn and don’t want to veer from their regular maintenance protocols but he wanted to try a different approach in order to get himself into the best shape in order to compete. So I took him on and I became his “sponsor”. I use the term loosely as I didn’t really do anything. I worked with him twice a week for 6 weeks straight trying to get a 20 year old shoulder injury to start helping him lift heavier.
The world of bodybuilding is a very foreign one to me. I have never attended any shows, never really understood the process and never knew why anyone would want to be judged on their physique wearing nothing but a g-string. So why did I agree to do this? I was intrigued. I really was. I also wanted to know, for my own personal gratification, that what I was doing meant something. After all, don’t we all want to be acknowledged for our hard work? Separated from the the flock? I know I do. Working with him proved to be a wonderful challenge. I was able to take what I learned and apply it to someone who actually wanted to get better! I love seeing people care about their life and take ownership over it. I know I’ve said it before and I will continue to say it, but my job would not be rewarding if I could not actually help people better themselves. In the end, it’s all really up to them. They take the time to see me, they take the time to listen to the advice I offer and they take their health into their own hands. I simply led the way.

Jon and his competition

Holding a pose is hard work
Jon proved to be a challenge and a good challenge it was! We got his shoulder working again to where he was comfortable to lift heavy and walk around in a g-string and I got the chance to witness it happen! It was a very different experience which I thoroughly enjoyed partaking in. I got to watch as Jon took the stage and took home first place in his group. His own hard work and determination made him a (near) perfect client. (I say “near” because there are a few things we disagree on with life choices but he did what was asked of him regardless.) He understood what it meant to be devoted to something and he took it solely upon himself to get there. I simply sat back and watched.
I am fascinated with what our bodies are capable of. It is not the body that needs convincing but our minds. Our bodies were always designed to withstand the harshest of circumstances and are best when kept in motion. Watching these man and women present the best version of themselves was amazing to watch, I got inspired. Time to get on that horse and become the best version of myself too. Will I compete? Good gawd no! But I will live and truly try to be the best I can be at what I do. Working with Jon has helped me to see that I am meant to do what I do. Clients like him are rare and I appreciate the faith and trust he placed on me and I applaud him for all his hard work. Thank you for letting me be a part of your story.

1st place winner
meraki [may-rah-kee] (adjective) word used to describe doing something with soul, creativity, or love — when you put “something of yourself” into what you’re doing, whatever it may be