May 2018 was the year I decided to change my life. Little did I know where that initial baby step would take me. I have been living a carnivore lifestyle for 4 years. Four...
Living here at this time in my body has been what I call a fucking roller coaster. There’s no other word that I can use to describe what is happening inside and outside of...
Welcome to carnivore for dummies! But before we begin read my disclaimer here.
So you've heard about the world of carnivore and now you want to give it a go? First things first throw...
Everybody on the internet needs to stop rolling their IT bands and telling everyone to do it as well. Here's why:
To be honest I NEVER advise anyone to roll their IT band because there...
I know what you're thinking.
Why the hell would I want to render fat? A few years back I started using tallow cream for my skin once I realized how amazing it is! In...