
{Welcome to my blog}

Aneta Dang Wellness  / Lifestyle  / {Welcome to my blog}

{Welcome to my blog}

Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Aneta and I am a massage therapist based out of Calgary, Alberta. I started my career over 12 years ago in the health and wellness industry. Thanks for stopping by and sparing some of your time to hang out! 

First of, let me start my saying I have no idea what I’m doing, yet.

So let’s get started!

The beginning

First of all, if i’m being honest, massage was not calling. I took an aptitude test in grade 11 and based on my answers, which I don’t even think I was honest about, Massage Therapist came up as my number one. I had never even had a massage! But then I had a revelation, a serendipitous moment if you will. I could travel the world and do massage at the same time! Brilliant. I patted myself on my back. I was ready to be an adult and run away and do what I wanted to do all, by, myself.

Before I could run away, I had to graduate high school first!

Dreams of living and travelling on a boat were my main reasons to start a career in massage.

To be perfectly honest, I only wanted to work 2 hours a day and make a ton of money with minimal effort. My main goal was to travel!

Welcome to massage school 

As I have stated before, massage was not my passion. I spent a full year working two jobs and really trying to figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up. A 4 year degree was not even an option for me as I needed to get on that ship and travel!

Massage Therapy was presented to me just like she had been back in that grade 11 room not so long ago, completely out of the blue. I wasn’t looking for it but she showed up on my front door anyways.

During my second year of part time studies my life was faced with many different challenges that ultimately shaped and changed my future for ever. The world of travel would have to wait. In the summer of 2004 I decided that I needed to finish my last year quickly and enrolled in school full time. I graduated in August of 2005, 5 years after graduating high school. So much for not wasting 4 years on a diploma!

Graduating marked a crucial step for me as I entered adulthood at the age of 23

Welcome to the start of adulthood

When I started my massage career some 12 years ago I was 23 years old. I wasn’t very prepared for this line of work. There was an immense pressure, mainly from myself, to excel in my chosen field. I wanted to be the best at massage!

 Looking back on my start, I had no idea how to handle people. I kind of had an idea what to do with my hands, but the mental and emotional aspect was lacking. I knew all my muscles, bones, major pathologies, types of soft tissue injuries, bony landmarks but I had no idea how difficult it would be to keep my sanity.

That first year proved extremely difficult for my mental well-being. It’s the mental struggles that you are faced with for x amount of hours per day. There are days that I’d rather poke my eyeballs out just to see if I have any feeling left. There are clients that as a Massage Therapist you get to see that simply do not mesh well with your personality. I have had my fair share of said clients and I’ve had the opportunity to lay on many tables and get the same feeling from my own therapist. It is during theses interactions, that the mental game begins.

To sum it up, over the last 12 years I have spent close to 2,200 days, 12, 480 hours,  748,800 minutes and 44,928,000 seconds and roughly 5,200 treatments locked in a room. That is an insane amount of time to try and keep you brain functioning at 100%. I’ve had 12 years of practice. And that goes a long ways. 12 years of being locked in a room and I have learned a great many things about myself in 12 years and I’m still learning and growing.

Welcome to my life 

In essence, this blog journey will be one of growth.

I will share my personal experiences while juggling a life/work balance and growing a business. Feel free to share and comment and engage. I’d love to hear from you.

Till next time, cheers!

meraki [may-rah-kee] (adjective) word used to describe doing something with soul, creativity, or love — when you put “something of yourself” into what you’re doing, whatever it may be

Aneta Dang

Aneta Dang

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